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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Coconut Lime Delights

Hello Cats and Kittens!

It's been a while, a long while... my most sincere apologies.  The truth is, I have been busy, lazy and generally uncommitted to healthy cooking as of late.  However, I am re-motivated and delighted to be back in action as summer approaches.  Even more inspiring, my father recently told me that he gives out my blog to his friends and colleagues frequently and some of them have noticed nothing new!!!  Yikes!  Wouldn't want to let my biggest fan's fans down, so here we go again!

This little delight is amazing.  It packs a lot of flavor without the calories, gluten or carbs.  I try to stay away from "sugar free" items because I feel cruddy after eating all those chemicals, but I think combining it with coconut milk makes it feel like a comfort food.  I also like these because you can throw them in mason jars or other sealable containers and take them on a hike, to the zoo, camping etc. without spoiling.

Coconut Lime Delights

This recipe makes 4 smallish servings.

2 packages of 4oz sugar-free gelatin (this pic & nutri-info is for Albertson's brand*)
1/2 cup Boiling Water
1 can light Coconut Milk (look for it in the "Asian Section")
Whipped Cream for topping

(1) Boil water
(2) Mix gelatin with water
(3) Stir in coconut milk
(4) Pour into desired serving dishes (I LOVE mason jars!)
(5) Chill for 1-2 hours or until mixture is set
(6) Top with whipped cream if desired

Per Serving: 83 calories; 6g fat; 3g carbs; 2g protein

* "REAL" Jell-O has less calories and carbs -- but I couldn't find lime at my local grocery store.

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